MeMe Roth anti-obesity crusader.

I have admit it. I too have been sucked into the feeding frenzy on MeMe Roth. Like the hateful people in the old fat acceptance I too was on the hate MeMe Roth band wagon. I have gotten off the bash MeMe wagon because I cannot find one example of any hateful remark she has made about fat people. For those of you who have not heard of Ms Roth; Meridith “MeMe” Roth is a health crusader and president of the much maligned NAAO National Action Against Obesity http://www.actionagainstobesity.com/NationalActionAgainstObesity/NAAO.html NAAO is pretty much what it says it is. It is an organization aimed at stopping the so called obesity epidemic. She sees the dramatic rise in obesity as a bad thing while we in the New Fat Acceptance and Bigger Fatter Blog see the increase in obesity and the greedy gluttony that causes it as a very good thing. We at Bigger Fatter Blog would like to have the opportunity to debate Ms Roth. We were so disheartened to see the series of shellackings Ms Roth gave Kelly Bliss and Joy Nash that we would like to see how she could deal with the intellectually honest position of the New Fat Acceptance. Clearly Kelly Bliss and Joy Nash were out-gunned intellectually by the svelte MeMe Roth. Fat girls cannot see past their hate for slender sexy babes like MeMe. Let’s see how Ms Roth fares in a fair fight with a man like me Fat Bastard or my blog partner and male heart throb Proud FA.

Ms Roth got one thing right when she said that fat acceptance is really obesity promotion because it is and it always has been. It is sad when it takes an adversary like MeMe Roth to point out that stark reality. The intellectual dishonesty of the old fat acceptance movement helped to make Ms Roth the clear winner in the big fat debate. If Bliss and Nash had just admitted that they and all other fat people are happy greedy gluttons and simply told Ms Roth the following, “we like food and it is better than just about anything, so buzz off you skinny skank” what could Ms Roth have have said to counter that? Answer… Not a damn thing! This debate is not nor has it ever been about being fat. It has been about being gluttonous and the gluttonous lifestyle and whether gluttony is good or bad. Only an idiot would say that fat people are healthier than skinny folks and with Bliss making that same tired and foolish argument it only served to make fat acceptance look like the pathetic farce that it has become. It was a slam dunk for Me Me Roth and a huge boost for NAAO. Sadly it was another major blow to fat acceptance. If I had debated MeMe, I would have chewed her up and spit her out… Well maybe I would not have spit her out. She looks mighty tasty but I would have pointed to the fact that gluttony is a choice and that gluttony is a good choice. Gluttony IS good!

When you lose the goofy glasses MeMe you are a HOTTIE!

This is another reason the man haters in the old fat acceptance movement hate me, Fat Bastard because I like my women skinny. Unlike the nasty witches in the old fat acceptance I am not a size bigot. That’s right, I like my women skinny and besides when you are as fat as I am it is really hard to bump pee pees with a fat chick. That is why there are so many guys like Proud FA who like porking the porkers.

Dimpled kneed Joy Nash sucking in her gut…

Kelly Bliss reliving a Proud FA moment…

There you have it Ms Roth. Your victory over Bliss was really no victory because Kelly Bliss does not speak for most fat Americans. She’s a jealous catty shrew who represents the lunatic fringe of man hating “womyn” and jealous fat girls so not only wasn’t it a fair fight Bliss doesn’t represent rank and file fatlings. We at Bigger Fatter Blog represent them so the debate was over before it even started. Wiggle over here to Bigger Fatter Blog and we will debate you. Let’s see how you will do against your intellectuals equals such as the poster boy for the New Fat Acceptance Teddy Bear, The Dean of Feederism Proud FA and me Fat Bastard. …And bring back up because you’ll need it.

Well MeMe, you dispatched Kelly Bliss and her flunky Joy Nash with ease. Big deal! How about going after some bigger game like me Fat Bastard? Do you have the belly for it? I do. (pun intended)

We at Bigger Fatter Blog don’t agree with much of what MeMe Roth has to say nor do we agree with the mission of NAAO as we are obesity promoters but we do not condemn Ms Roth nor do we condemn NAAO even though we strongly disagree with them. Health and being skinny is right for some people but most people choose to be fat and less healthy and we think obesity and gluttony trump good health and longevity and 70% of Americans would agree.

I will say it again. We at Bigger Fatter Blog don’t agree with much of what MeMe Roth has to say nor do we agree with the mission of NAAO as we are obesity promoters but as much as we disagree with Ms Roth we disagree even more with the racist and hateful rants against her. Ms Roth may be an adversary but she is not an enemy and we at Bigger Fatter Blog will not treat her as such. We have too much class for that.

The comment section is open Ms Roth. It is time for you to join a spirited and intelligent debate and show us your mettle.