>ABC and CNN News Quotes Bigger Fatter Blog.

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>Many mainstream news outlets are quoting Bigger Fatter Blog but the latest one is is ABC News. When the media is looking for accurate and exciting information on fat acceptance they know they can rely on the Bigger Fatter Blog, the clear leader in Fat Acceptance and Obesity Promotion. ABC News recognizes Bigger Fatter Blog as the go to source for all things fat related. They know that when it comes to obesity/gluttony promotion and the normalization of obesity Bigger Fatter Blog is and continues to be the gold standard for accurate information and unbiased fair and balanced coverage on all things fat.

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Lusting for Fat: Gainers Come Out of the Closet

As Fat Acceptance Voices Grow Louder, Blogs Celebrate Putting on the Pounds

He goes by the name “Git,” a 22-year-old man from Kentucky who is on a quest: to weigh as much as he possibly can.
The photos of him as a skinny 18-year-old college student are startlingly different than the love-handled, 245-pound man that he has become.
“Lately I’ve been infatuated with the physics of my belly,” he writes on his blog, Gitbigger. “I’m starting to notice how it moves with me, how it gets in the way, and it makes me daydream about how it will feel when I’m bigger.”
“The more attention I pay to it, the easier it becomes to imagine sizes like 300, 400. I like to think I don’t romanticize it, but I can’t help lusting over those sizes.”
Those who are obsessed with gaining weight are known as “gainers,” a once-underground proclivity that is squeezing its way out of the closet as the voices for fat acceptance grow louder.
Sometimes, the practice is sexual – so-called “feederism” — when the gainer is aided by a “feeder” who takes on more and more control as the gainer becomes physically incapacitated.
They seek each other out online with acronyms like BBW (Big Beautiful Woman); SSBHM (Super Sized Big Handsome Man) and FFA (Female Fat Admirer).
An array of online blogs like Feeder Fantasy, Dimensions Magazine and Feed or Get Out extol the virtues of getting bigger.
“The days of justifying our fatness by lying and saying we have a mysterious genetic or metabolic disorder are over,” says the Bigger Fatter Blog. “We now freely admit to and embrace what the fat haters would call gluttony. We are fat because we eat huge amounts of food and we like it.”
And, as major health experts have noted lately, they say, “fat people are now the overwhelming majority.” Fat Bastard, Bigger Fatter Blog

One fat acceptance blogger wrote: “I’m tired of all of us being treated like circus side shows.”
AnnMarie, who runs a BBW web site told ABCNews.com she is not a gainer, but defends the privacy of a plus-size world.
“We’re just large people trying to navigate a world that is not built for us, in social lives that are set up to belittle and degrade us, and we try to maintain happiness, dignity, love, jobs, families,” she wrote. “We’re only different because we aren’t apologizing for who we are. We’re only different because others want to keep making us feel that way.”
The National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance also condemns the practice of so called “feederism,” because it coerces a person to become larger.
In a special report, the celebrity magazine In Touch Weekly looks at what it calls Hollywood’s “big new obsession” and the perks of being overweight: “fame and fortune.”

Another credible news outlet quotes Bigger Fatter Blog. Link
The days of justifying our fatness by lying and saying we have a mysterious genetic or metabolic disorder are over,” says the Bigger Fatter Blog. “We now freely admit to and embrace what the fat haters would call gluttony. We are fat because we eat huge amounts of food and we like it.”
I give this Bigger Fatter Blogger a lot and I mean a lot of credit. “We are fat because we eat huge amounts of food and we like it.” Amen brother. Can’t argue with that. It’s the opposite of this guy that give fat people a bad rap. The ones that say they can’t help it. The ones that make a stink at the airport that they can’t fit in the seat and need a free flight.
Here are some more sources who quote Bigger Fatter Blog.
OF ALL fat related sites Bigger Fatter Blog is ranked number 10 with a bullet!
An important point!
Finally after three years of hard work by Dr Gerald “Teddy” Bear, Fat Bastard, and even our adversaries CG Brady, Michael Karolchyk and MeMe Roth the news media is finally reporting that glorious greedy gluttony is the cause of obesity. The next part of our mission is to show them that gluttony is GOOD!
Driving the point home!
As the Dean of Feederism I most strongly disagree with the assertion that one cannot maintain any body weight they desire. There will be no pseudo science here. What I would like to convey is that obesity IS a choice and I think it is a good choice.

Now for the science:

Your body constantly generates energy, which it needs to power all the systems of your body, heart, muscles, brain, nervous system, etc. After that energy is used to do the many processes, it ALL then gets later given off as heat, in several different ways. Some gets lost by your skin radiating and convecting heat away. More heat is carried away by your warm breath. Your perspiration evaporates from your skin, which gives off additional heat. These things ALWAYS happens!

On average, the total food energy content that you eat/drink is the same as the total energy that your body needs for all of its operations and it is also equal to the total energy that your body gives off after it is done using it. This is called that BMR Basal Metabolism Rate, and for adult men, it is around 2,200 Calories per day. For women a little less. For people of different body types, a little more or less.

During the daytime, you are more active, and so more processes occur inside you, so more energy needs to be processed and then discarded, and so your skin temperature is slightly higher than when sleeping. While you are sleeping, everything slows down BUT DOES NOT STOP!

Consider that this whole sequence can be affected by any of the three stages. (1) You could eat more or less food; (2) you could do a lot more work or exercise to get your body processes to convert more food/fat into energy; or (3) you might alter the ability of your body to dispose of the excess heat, and also to breathe out more breaths of carbon dioxide. Your body has the capability of adjusting its activity due to differences in any or all of these three areas. Specifically, in a really hot environment, your body can shut down many systems to reduce the energy that needs to be generated, down to a low of around 20 Calories per hour (research data from Frederick C. Hatfield, of ISSA), in order to try to avoid overheating.

We are going to consider the situation for the eight hours each night that we sleep. In a relatively cool room environment, your sleeping BMR (Basal Metabolism Rate) only drops a little from the daytime 100 Calories per hour, down to around 80 Calories per hour. Your body has many processes that it still needs to do, like digestion, operation of the heart, lungs and other organs, thinking as during dreams, etc, which is why the 80 Calories per hour is very common. Your rate of breathing slows some during this form of sleep, but not too much, so it still rids the body of a lot of carbon dioxide each hour.

Now that the “I can’t be slender myth” is busted I would like for fat folks to embrace their fat, hedonistic and gormandizing ways and rid themselves of the guilt and the apologetics that has kept the FA movement stagnant for so long.


Yes Adam, the jealous fat girls of the old fat acceptance movement are indeed delusional. I agree Jamie. I wouldn’t fuck them with Buster’s dick.

>Goodness Gracious Great Glorious Gluttony: A Guide to dining out!

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>There are three criteria the experienced glutton looks for in food. The first is quantity, second is flavor and third is price. I will be discussing some of the more popular restaurants. To judge the gluttonosity of a restaurants one needs to set an industry standard or find a restaurant that is the Cadillac of glutton fare. That restaurant can only be the Heart Attack Grill. With offerings like Flat Liner Fries and the Quadruple Bypass Burger the Heart Attack Grill sets the standard by which all other glutton friendly restaurants are judged. Not only do they serve humongous amounts of food but philanthropic owner Jon Basso allows gluttons weighing over 350 pounds to eat for free! Jon Basso is a fat friendly angel and the Heart Attack Grill is a shrine and a Mecca  for gluttons Worldwide. A trip to the Heart Attack is not like a trip to your average hamburger joint, it’s a scared pilgrimage.


If you love giant burgers and you can’t make it to the Heart Attack the next best place is Hardees. Political correctness of anti-gluttony advocates will not allow Hardees to market their menu selections the way the Heart Attack Grill does but Hardees offers without a doubt the best and biggest burgers in the entire fast food industry.