>Why Bigger Fatter Blog?

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We know. People don’t like the fact that we are highly critical of the movement we call the old fat acceptance. What is the old fat acceptance? I our opinion the old fat acceptance is the movement that began when Bill Fabrey the creator of NAAFA was forced out and replaced by a bunch of angry jealous far left man hating elitists. NAAFA under Bill’s guidance meant National Association Aiding Fat Americans. Bill’s vision for NAAFA was an all encompassing and inclusive one. If you were fat or a fat sympathizer you belonged. Since Bill’s departure from NAAFA the letters N A A F A today mean National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance and under the current leadership the once great NAAFA of Bill Fabrey has become a joke. It was relevant when Bill was in charge but today it is a mere shadow of what it once was. It has failed miserably in its poorly defined mission. Today’s NAAFA continues to lose members and funding. Today’s NAAFA does not speak for fat people or their needs. Let’s make a comparison.

Let’s take the NAACP. The NAACP speaks for the concerns of the vast majority of Blacks. The NAACP remains relevant, focused and effective. It’s mission is well defined and it’s leadership is intelligent and thoughtful. NAAFA has poor leadership and it does not speak for the vast majority of fat people. NAAFA has become the ole girls club. NAAFA is wishy washy. NAAFA is bigoted towards men, especially fa men. NAAFA is to the fat acceptance movement what the Black Panthers were to the equal rights movement except that the Black Panther Party had a point and were marginally effective and most people would agree that in spite of their provocative and militant ways they did more good than harm. The same cannot be said for NAAFA.

Bigger Fatter Blog and the New Fat Acceptance is a logical scientifically based organization that would like to see the fat acceptance movement return to the vision of its founder Bill Fabrey. We seek to undo the damage that NAAFA and the rest of the loons in the fatosphere have done to the movement and to fat people. Everything has its pros and cons. Let’s take a guy thing like cars. You can drive a Honda Civic. You will have a decent car but you will sacrifice comfort for good fuel economy some people are willing to do that where others are not. We don’t judge people for what cars they choose to drive. Let’s take the Cadillac Escalade. It is like a fatling in that is consumes fuel but it sure gets you from point A to point B in style and comfort. With its advantages comes a price that people who own Cadillac Escalades are willing to pay and they pay it at the pump and in higher insurance rates. Just like there are advantages and disadvantages to being fat, there are advantages and disadvantages to be skinny. Those of us in the New Fat Acceptance will take the good with the bad. In my case I don’t enjoy the pleasures of greedy gluttony. I tend to be a bit more epicurian about food whereas Fat Bastard is a greedy and hedonsitic glutton as are all fat people. Fat Bastard has made greedy gluttony and art form and Teddy Bear of the Biggest Fattest Blog has made it is science. These are major advancements. Anyone knows how to get and stay fit but who really knows the finer points of gluttony and how to mitigate its often devastating consequences? The answer is simple, Fat Bastard and Teddy Bear know the finer points of greedy gluttony and unbridled food lust. I also put myself into that category because I am one of the few feeders who feeds with mono saturated fat and as I always say…”Fat fattens best.”

Now let’s speak to denial. Denial is what led to Fat Bastard’s heart attacks and other health problems. He like many fatlings bought into the HAES lunacy and he blamed everything and everyone for his declining health. I too had been imbibing on the NAAFA Kool Aid and as a result I pretended to believe what I knew was total bullshit. I knew that the fat acceptance propaganda being spread by these strident and angry fat girls was not helping fat people or the movement but instead in was and is harming the movement and fat folks. Fat Bastard and I could no longer be a part of this insanity. Deep down we both knew that Fat Bastard and all fat people are greedy gluttons. Being that we are men we knew that the human body could not defy the immutable laws of physics. We knew that gluttony and nothing else made people fat. We simply ended the charade.

Today with 73% of Americans fat or obese and only a tiny tiny fraction of a percentage of them being represented by the the current FA movement we knew something had to be done and that is why we launched this Bigger Fatter Blog. We were sick of the censorship in the fatsophere. We would read Paul McAleer’s Big Fat Blog and howl with laughter and then be disgusted at the single mindedness and the toxic venom spewed by the jealous fat girls. Here’s another example of what we mean. Let’s take the Tea Bagger movement. Tea Baggers and fat feminists are really cut from the same clueless piece of cloth. They are ignorant and easily led. They are angry but the cannot really express what it is that is pissing them off so much so the create paper tigers and other symbols to justify their discontent and they more they run their mouths and close their ears the dumber and louder they get.

The opposition is not our enemy. Let’s take the case of NAAO and it’s founder MeMe Roth. They hate MeMe. We don’t. We see her as loyal opposition. We would like to have a spirited debate with Ms Roth but we would not resort to the vulgar name calling and sophomoric debating tactics that allow a woman MeMe to trounce the angry fat girls every time. When Fat Bastard and I watch MeMe debate on of the girls from the fatosphere we know its going to be a blood bath. MeMe sits there in a calm, dignified and ladylike manner. We want to see her get knocked out of the ballpark but it never happens. MeMe slaughters them every time. Fat Bastard and I could more than hold our own against MeMe Roth because the first thing we would do is show her some respect. Also, we are not intimidated by the fact that MeMe is a hottie. That’s not entirely true. Fat Bastard stops shoveling in the chips and dip when MeMe is on the tube and keeps babbling, “She’s hot She’s hot. Don’t you think she’s hot” to which I say, “No Joy Nash is hot but she’s an idiot. Now shut up so we can hear.” As usual MeMe brings a gun to the knife fight and she wins hands down. Its like watching Mike Tyson get pounded. You used to like Iron Mike but after he became such an asshole you find yourself cheering for his opponent because you respect his opponent more than you do Iron Mike. Fat Bastard and I are lovers not fighters. We also know that hating MeMe Roth and attacking her personally only hurts fat people in the long run. It may feel good at first and the fat girls unleash their phony righteous indignation and blizzard of misinformation but in the minds of the people who matter (the smart and honest ones) MeMe wins by a mile.

This sort of insanity and venomous attacks against a member of the loyal opposition only serves to make fat girls look more and more like the jealous and pathetic creature they are.

As most of my readers know I, Proud FA, only pork fat girls and my blog partner Fat Bastard only bones skinny women as it is really tough for two fatlings to have intercourse. Fat Bastard and I both agree that MeMe Roth is not anorexic. In this photo she appears to have a BMI of around 21. So what she has no tits? We respect the fact that she accepts her body and did not opt for a silicone beef up. Maybe if the jealous fat girls would accept their bodies they way MeMe accepts hers they would understand what real fat acceptance is. MeMe looks damn good! When Fat Bastard saw this picture I had to feed him a waffle to sop up the drool. MeMe is like Ann Coulter in looks accept that MeMe is much more womanly looking and has normal hands and no Adams apple. That is because MeMe is a genetic female. From a Playboy Magazine standard MeMe has a smokin bod. She has an athletic build. She is not by any stretch of the imagination anorexic and knowing her workout schedule MeMe has to be eating like a horse. Sorry girls for alluding to the stubborn laws of physics. MeMe Roth simply does not eat to excess and she moves. So all you fat MeMe Roth haters either accept your sloth and greedy gluttony or get fit and lean like MeMe. Your jealous fat girl routine is old and ugly. It is just another reason so many gluttons think the fat acceptance movement is a joke.

Attacks on MeMe Roth will do nothing to advance fat acceptance and gluttony acceptance. We are trying to further normalization of sloth, gluttony and obesity. Making nasty tea bagger comments about Ms Roth only diminishes our righteous cause of sloth, gluttony and obesity. My father used to tell me that every knock is a boost. You fat girls in your misguided zeal and jealousy continue to raise MeMe Roth to greater heights and you sink fat acceptance to newer low. Admit it girls, you hate women like MeMe. She’s bright, classy, ladylike, and attractive physically as well as intellectually. MeMe and women like her are the kind of women men want to see and fat girls want to be. The vary people crying for fat acceptance, you fat girls, are the ones who are least accepting of your own obesity, sloth and gluttony. You girls need to fish or cut bait. You either accept you gluttony and obesity or you don’t so get off the fence and stop blaming MeMe Roth and other lean and pretty women for your inability to accept yourselves.

Just so your little pea brains will know the difference between anorexic, healthy, fat and obese bodies here are some pictures.


Normal/Healthy like MeMe Roth

Fat Slut but not all that unhealthy

BTW when you google image with search terms for fat girls all you find is sluts flaunting it. I’m not complaining after all I am a fat admirer.

Obese Woman Some Health Issues

BBW or Morbidly Obese

SSBBW or Super Morbidly Obese

Super Super Morbidly Obese

If the woman in the above picture had only listened to Kelly Bliss and followed the HAES protocol she would not be in a hospital bed but instead she would be running marathons and winning them and still be just as big.

Do any of you silly girls get the point now?

>Fatspiration: A salute to Teddy Bear

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>As many of you know there is a pro anorexia movement. The unenlightened jealous man hating fat girls in the old fat acceptance movement make a big deal about it. The pretend to care about these young ladies who starve themselves and greatly exaggerate the number of deaths caused by a genetic disorder called anorexia nervousa. In reality there are between 65 and 200 deaths per year from anorexia according to the CDC’s Office of Rare Diseases. As a fat rights advocate and obesity promoter it would be hypocritical of me to insult, chastise or judge people in the pro ana movement. Just as Proud FA like to in his word “pork” fat women, I, Fat Bastard like em skinny. As a greedy fat gluttonous bastard I like skinny chick because they have low self esteem unlike fat women who have very high self esteem. Being that skinny chicks have low self esteem I can get them to have sex with me and sometimes I don’t even have to pay them.

Teddy Bear is perhaps the greatest voice in the new fat acceptance movement. While Teddy’s expertise is in gaining, fat anatomy, soma types and obesity health and nutrition he too is a strong advocate for fat rights and obesity for all America. It is people like Teddy Bear who have helped create this nation of obese and greedy gluttons. This year 400,000 of us will eat ourselves to death and that number is growing in leaps and pounds thanks to people like Kelly Bliss, NAAFA founder Bill Fabrey, Conrad Blickenstorfer feederism’s philosopher king, our own ProudFA aka the Dean of Feederism, the lovely Joy Nash, Big Fat Dynamo, and the list goes on. All these people have recieved accolades but now it is time to salute the NEXT BIG THING in fat acceptance let’s have a big cyber round of applause for Biggest Fattest Blog owner and inspiration to all of use in the NEW fat accpetance movement soon to be the fattest man on earth TEDDY BEAR!! For those of you who don’t know it Teddy Bear is going to be the fattest man on earth. What greater representative for the NEW fat acceptance than having a man that will make Michael Habrenko or the late Hambone look like a stuck boy.

Teddy in honor of you Bigger Fatter Blog presents this pictorial essay;

A mere stick boy compared to what Teddy Bear WILL become!
HA HA HA show off, even now Teddy makes you look like the runt of the litter.

OK Twiggy enough with the horizontal stripes. You are not fooling anyone!

Finally a worthy challenger. Mexicans really are hard workers and this guy is proof!

Michael Hebranko Brookhaven sellout. WHAT A WIMP!

Teddy, I hope you enjoy these images and please know that we at Bigger Fatter Blog have confidence that you will beat these bean poles. Eat EAT EAT EAT EAT EAT EAT EAT EAT!!



LADIES AND GENTLEMAN and FELLOW FATLINGS; LET ME PRESENT: Obesity Pioneer, Visionary, Obesity Nutritionist, Fat Assed Sissy boy, Blogging Genius, Artist, Author, Gaining and Gluttony Guru, Fat Rights Activist, Obesity Promoter and soon the next holder of the Guiness Book of World Records world fattest human, your friend and ours the immortal, from the great state of Texas, Texas Jew boy… TEDDY BEAR!!

From Teddy’s Biggest Fattest Blog:


What I Hope To Achieve

Right now I weigh about 400 pounds. The cartoon drawings of myself depicts the level of super super obesity that I most sincerely hope to achieve someday, to set a new worlds record!

>Weight Loss Surgery Butchery



Weight Loss Surgery Butchery

October 13, 2008 by fatterbastard

If there is one thing everyone in the fat acceptance community agrees upon and that is weight loss surgery is barbaric practice. There death rate from gastric bypass is 1 in 100. The barbarians who do this surgery claim a lower mortality rate but they would be lying like the lying liars that they are. Below is an example of the sort of butchery a weight loss surgery patient is in for if he submit to this slaughter.



A Thanksgiving turkey gets more respect!

Carnie Wilson is the poster girl for WLS and as you can plainly see she gained most of the weight back. This highly dangerous procedure does not even work. Soon Carnie will be back to her normal 300+ pounds accept that she will not be enjoying food the way she once did.

Carnie Wilson is fat
Carnie Wilson is rotund again. You go girl!

>Bigger Fatter Blog Endorses Feederism


NAAFA’s two faced view on the subject if just one more example of how wrong they are. Go to Dimensions forum and you will find many refugees from NAAFA’s now defunct online forum. NAAFA took criticism from inside the FA movement and from the FA movement’s critics. NAAFA in it usual dishonesty and constant infighting has remained two faced on the issue to this day. Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive applies especially to NAAFA. NAAFA’s many spokesdroids with their fat by nature mantra put the entire movement on a very slippery slope. Fat by nature is bullshit and NAAFA’s big chiefs know it. The reality is fat by choice proud by nature. We gluttons are a prideful bunch and it is the mission of BFB to increase our size and the size of our fat pride. We don’t have to explain our obesity to anyone but if we do we should not take the NAAFA or Kate Harding approach by doing it with lies.

I am not a full fledged feeder but my blog partner Proud FA is. I consider him Feederism’s philosopher king.His many feedees consider him their savior. I know for a fact that his feed sessions have rescued many BBW’s from the abyss of deep dark depression and brought them forth into the sacred light of gluttony. His legendary feed sessions at the NAAFA conventions would make a Roman orgy look like a hunger strike. His piggies don’t puke. Proud FA first plies them with booze and or weed and lot’s of it. BBW’s can hold their liquor unlike the fat feminists who hold the licker by the ears. After they let down their inhibitions the fun would begin. I would sit by while these once shrinking violets would cover Proud FA’s skinny body in marshmallow, caramel syrup, M&Ms, fudge syrup and sprinkles and devour him like hogs at trough. I would post some stills form these sessions but it gets pretty graphic and Proud FA and I still need to remain anonymous as we are both still active NAAFA members and moles. We do not want to blow our covers at this time. We are working behind the scenes to reform NAAFA from within and restore it to what its founder Bill Fabrey had intended. I digress.

One feed session can be a life altering event for the feedee. In one fell swoop it often eliminates the guilt some people have about enjoying food. When feedees realize that gluttony is normal behavior it becomes a life changing experience for them. For many such as myself it is a religious experience. Food is our God. PRAISE GLORIOUS FOOD! Acceptance is a life changing experience. Accepting a fat body is easy. Fat bodied women women love to flaunt it. If you don’t believe me look around you or GOOGLE a BBW or SSBBW image search. BOING! The tough part in fat acceptance is accepting and feeling good about the gluttony. Two thirds of Americans has all accepted their fat bodies. The next step is to make them super duper fat and eat like there is no tomorrow. Life is short EAT EAT EAT EAT EAT EAT EAT EAT EAT sleep and EAT some more.


Open your mouth sweet fat girl

Can you imagine a more tender moment than this?

You gotta Love this Belly

You gotta Love this Belly
One of Proud FA’s hotel hotties

Clearly feederism is a vital pillar in the FA movement.

A final thought and warning. Feeding has its risks. The greatest risk is diabetic coma. Most gainers are diabetics. Please check the comment section because Proud FA AKA the Feeder King will explain the finer points of feeding. For now let is suffice to say. FEED WITH FATS AND OILS. SWEETS CAN BE DEADLY IN LARGE QUANTITIES!

Don’t try this at home. Inexperienced gainer dead from diabetic coma.

Proud FA recommends that all new gainers work with an experienced feeder. It is the hope of BFB that sometime in the future feeders will have to be certified by a government agency to avoid these needless deaths. We are hoping that foods that are not Feedee safe contain warning labels.

Proud FA’s Feeding 101

Before starting any serious feed session think safety first. Tube feeding is a no no. Only the most advanced feeders and feedees should attempt tube feeding. While tube may be a great way to pump in the calories into a gainer, the artful feeder uses great tasting food, praise and guile to get the gainer to eat to her full capacity.

Feed with fat! Butter, cooking oil, bacon, peanut butter, lard, cracklins, heavy cream and soft cheeses are by far the best choices. Think of it as an extreme version the induction phase of the Atkins diet. Periodically introduce some carbs to stop ketosis. Peanut butter is wonder gainer food. Peanut butter and bacon sandwiches washed down with heavy cream is a great way to feed.

Use a bib if your feedee is clothed. Ample Stuff makes a wonder prduct they call Big Bib. Feeding can get messy.




Rub and pat her belly and tell her how hot she looks. Praise her eating.

>The New Fat Acceptance: Make Food Your God



Now that America is proudly the FATTEST NATION ON EARTH it is time that we celebrate this wonderful milestone. With BBWs unapologetically flaunting their super sized bodies all over the net we can enthusiastically say that the age of the fatty is here. We have arrived!

There is a lot of dishonest moralizing about the sin of gluttony but the time has come for some real honesty. We fat folks love food. We love food more than just about anything else and why shouldn’t we? Food does not judge. Food does not ignore our pleas. Food makes us feel good. Food is our friend. Food is our God. What a friend he have in Cheeses.

Cheeses Christ

Embrace gluttony. Gluttony is our religion that brings us near to the belly god we call Food. Praise Food glorious glorious glorious FOOD!

Belly God

Pay homage to the Belly God and EAT!

>Do Not Apologize For Your Appetite



We in the Fat Acceptance Movement lose credibility when our members make outrageous statement like “I weigh 400 pounds and I only eat 900 calories a day.” That one does not even pass the giggle test. We need not apologize for our gluttony and gormandizing. We did not get fat because we hate food. We love food and we should love food. Life is short and it is doubtful that there is a god so what we do on earth won’t matter when we are gone. I for one will not apologize for my gluttonous hedonism and neither should you.

Food is glorious. It is better than love by far. It never rejects you. Unlike “God” it never ignores your pleas. If love were better then parents would not be raising obese kids who will suffer ridicule from this fat hating society and allegedly a lifetime of health problems but let’s not get on that slippery slope right now. No, this is about being unapologetic and guilt free about eating as much as we want, when ever we want and what ever we want.

I love feeder chat on Dimensions Magazine. I love calling these lovely BBWs pigs and the love it too. I love looking at extremely fat women. Most men do. If you do a Google image search and type in BBW you will find image after image of BBWs unashamedly showing off their lovely large bodies but if you Google terms like skinny woman (who’d want to?) and you will find mostly fully clothed stick girls. My point is fat women need not apologize for how much they eat. That is a sure way to develop an eating disorder. Do what I and other fat men do eat all you want and if someone has a problem with that just tell them to F off!

Our matra needs to be “You can’t ever eat to much and you cannot ever weigh too much so don’t judge us” I am hoping for a paradigm shift in the Fat Acceptance Movement. There is too much infighting and the cause of that infighting is because many of us in the movement will not say, “Yes that’s right I eat 6000+ calories a day everyday. You got a problem with that?