>Belly Boy’s Big Adventure.

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With great excitement and joy I got to hear all about our own Belly and Rev Big Lard Ass’s pilgrimage to the HAG, also known as the Heart Attack Grill. The most Reverend BLA, Belly Boy and I had discussed him making a pilgrimage to the famed Heart Attack Grill– the Mecca for gluttons. It has finally happened. The lure of all that FREE food is what compelled the usual bed bound Belly Boy to take this glorious pilgrimage. I think when he comes back the Rev may even canonize him and from now on we will refer to him as Saint Belly Boy.


BELLY BOY reporting from Pheonix

Hey everybody! It’s belly boy time!

I just landed in Phoenix, and man are my calves tired! This piggy CAN FLY! Oink oink oink!

Fat Bastard: Yes, Belly Boy I bet those calves are mooing and those dogs are barking and yes pigs can fly accept of Southwest Airline according to NAAFA

But man, traveling was quite an ordeal! Thanks to the new security requirements, I had to either go through the body scanner or get a manual scan. However, I cannot fit through the scanner machine, so I had to be manually searched, which was very erotic. He had to lift and prod each fold, searching for contraband, and he looked incredibly disgusted the entire time. They called in a rookie to do it since none of the more senior ones wanted to deal with me. It took a long time to search me completely, and I was making small talk with him.

Fat Bastard: I doubt that the TSA rookie was disgusted. I suspect that he was in awe and that the senior  TSA officials were giving him the honor of frisking the great Belly Boy. Those guys read Bigger Fatter Blog to get the skinny on fat.

Bariatric wheelchair AKA a fatling’s rolling thrown.

I had to be pushed in a bariatric wheelchair most of the time, since I am not yet capable of walking very far, only a few dozen yards at a time. But I was able to stand up to be searched. Yeah, I hadn’t washed in over a week, so I was pretty ripe when he searched me. That was part of my goal, if they’re going to search me then they might as well have to do it the hard way, aka the smelly way, aka the belly boy way.

Getting on the plane, I took up more than two full seats, and they booted me and Big Lard Ass off of the plane because they said I need 3 seats and Big Lard Ass needs 2 seats. That means we couldn’t sit next to each other either, which was really upsetting. I started panicking because they at first said that only I was getting booted and BLA could stay, because I can’t travel alone! So I put up a huge colossal stink, yelling and whining as much as I could, before finally they relented and agreed to bump us up to first class for the next flight.

Fat Bastard: My dad had a friend named Ray. Ray was a fucking load. He had to be 600+. Ray was a successful business man and in Ray’s office becasue he could not fit in a conventional office chair he had a love seat hoisted on cement block. Man did he look regal. When Ray flew they would hoist him up through the cargo doors of the plane. That was before planes had doors big enough. That had to be so fucking cool!

BLA could fit in a first class seat, but I couldn’t. I need 3 full coach seats, so we got bumped yet again, with BLA getting a free coach seat, and me getting 2 free coach seats plus 1 coach seat I had to pay for. I asked for and got triple snacks, and it was pretty cool. BLA got tons of free food, and I ordered 9 beers in total before they cut me off.

Rev Big Lard Ass before he and Belly Boy were booted. No picture of Belly Boy available.

Then we got into Phoenix and checked into a hotel, and now BLA is out getting us some take-out while I sit and type this on his laptop. He’s such a good friend to me, and I can’t wait to experience the glory of the Heart Attack Grill, and it’s delicious and delectable Quadruple Bypass Burgers. They are quite awesome, and I am so effing excited about this.


I wish that Candy Apple was a computer company. The computers would have special food tubes in them for you to suck on while you use the computer, and then you would be able to get delicious food while you used your computer.

Fat Bastard: Belly Boy, I do know that Dr Gerald “Teddy” Bear is working on a moob top computer. I am waiting for the days when they have food replicators like on Star Trek. Imagine being able to say, Computer make me a Belly Boy Burger, Flat Liner Fries and tea early grey– hot.” and poof there it is. That would be so fucking cool!

This technology would make me, Belly Boy, a billionaire. They would call me Steve Careers. Or Bill Portcullises if I invented the “Pie on the Windowsill” operating system, which would gobble up market share like an SSBBW gobbles up the man pudding of FAs at a NAAFA convention.

 Fat Bastard: Belly Boy, you are indeed onto something.

Oink oink oink. Anyway I am excited and thrilled about my upcoming culinary adventures. Hopefully they will go well. But I do think they will go well, I am planning on staying there pretty much all day just eating, eating, eating, eating, and eating. I have several thousand dollars with me for beverage purposes, so I should be set on that front. It’s going to be an epic feast, and I only wish that Teddy Bear, Fat Bastard, and Proud FA could be with me for this event. Also Rotunda Hindenburg, and some of the other female contributors to the Bigger Fatter Blog.

Fat Bastard: Belly Boy, I have Rotunda on the other line and she is slobbering drool all over the phone just thinking about it. Proud FA wants you to set a new record. Teddy maybe on sabbatical or he is off fighting the good fight. He maybe a Teddy Bear but he has some sharp teeth and claws.

If I’m lucky, maybe one of the waitresses/nurses will invite me back to her place for a little intensive care, if you know what I mean! (But I’m not counting on it. In which case, don’t worry because I have planned for this by looking up some strip clubs to take BLA to as my payback for him taking me on this exciting trip.)

Belly Boy’s beautiful bony bimbos!

Fat Bastard: Belly Boy, I think you will get lucky. There is no doubt in my mind that the nurse/waitresses there are fat admirers… ALL of them. One whiff of your fat boy musk and all I can say is make room for them on your rented power chair and get really to have you folds lifted by two of them while the other one gives you a Boom Shakka Lakka.


A bigger fatter airplane
Fellow fatlings and other loyal readers: When I, Fat Bastard saw the need for a bigger and fatter blog I created Bigger Fatter Blog. This report by Belly Boy who is normally our cyber net reporter illustrates the need for bigger fatter airplanes.

BELLY BOY  Reporting from the Heart Attack Grill.

Hey everybody, Belly Boy here!
Belly Boy’s News Van aka The Belly Van
I went to the Heart Attack Grill with my best friend the Reverend Lard Ass. Yeah, I had to be wheeled in because I cannot really walk so well. BLA rented a handicap van where my wheelchair goes, and it has an awesome hydraulic lift to lift up my wheelchair. BLA is really strong to be able to push me.

So what happened was, we go in, and I shout “Hey it’s me!” and then I go in for my weighing. I top out the scale immediately, and sit back down in my wheelchair, and then I order up a Quadruple Bypass Burger along with some Flatliner Fries, a margarita, and six shots of tequila.

I down the tequila first, rapid fire style, and then I nurse the margarita until the burger and fries arrive. It’s about time.

What followed is a feeding frenzy, with greasy goodness all over my face and beard. I got the Quad with cheese and fried eggs, of course, and added some condiments as well. I have to say that it’s even better than a Belly Boy Burger, aside from the fact that it is a lot smaller. I like the high fat content, it has plenty of juice and grease, which are very important when you’re having a burger. Too little juice, and it’s not messy enough to be fun. Too little grease, and it just doesn’t have that classic burger flavor.

I eat the Quad in just 3 minutes, and immediately go back to get weighed. While they’re cooking up the next one, I’m finishing up my Flatliner Fries and am ordering up my first soda and another margarita.

One of Belly Boys famous quadruple flushers
Editorial comment from me, Fat Bastard: Most people can’t finish the Quad.

I get another 6 shots of tequila, and down the next Quad in just 3 and a half minutes. Then I had the margarita and a couple of sodas, and order up another Quad, and have some more tequila, and now I am starting to get drunk.

Drunk eating is the most pleasurable activity possible. Forget illegal drugs, all you need is a good nicotine buzz, a good tequila buzz, and a belly full of greasy meat.

I get on to my fourth Quad, and by this point I am totally full. I order up one last Quad, after getting weighed yet again, and I head to the bathroom to get rid of some of the excess liquids. I pee for an eternity, then head to the toilet and produce an epic shit. Suddenly, I don’t feel quite so full anymore.

I polish off two more Quads and then I can barely move. People were asking for my autograph, taking pictures with me, and just generally being awesome towards me. I got a picture of two of the nurses sitting on my lap!! I had a boner but nobody could tell because it’s covered by my folds. That’s an advantage of being fat, you don’t have to be embarrassed by random boners.

I asked out two of the nurses to come to the hotel with me but both gave excuses why they couldn’t. They wheeled me back to the van, and I told them I would be back tomorrow. I fell asleep quickly, having shot myself up with lots of insulin, and my body struggled to process and digest all of the delicious calories I had just ingested. I love that feeling!

We didn’t have time to go to the strip club because I fell asleep and wasn’t in the mood for anything but being lazy and smoking some cigarettes, and then we had a quick dinner at Denny’s later that night. It was a rare two meal day for me, that’s how big my breakfast at the Heart Attack Grill was!

Working prototype of Belly Boy’s Plane the Belly Liner


I also think that when Belly Boy eats through 4 or 5 Quadruple Bypass Burgers and a few pounds of Flat Liner Fries, Dr John and the HAG will rethink his menu and super size the famed Quadruple  Bypass Burger aka the QBB and offer the BQBB or the Bariatic Quadruple Bypass that will be twice as big as the regular QBB. That’s what I predict. When the see Belly Boy the will be in awe!!

Design for a bigger fatter airplane.

>Be Proud of Your Gluttony

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As the many readers of this blog know the idea that fat people have low self esteem is a myth. Here is another scientific study that proves conclusively that fat people have high self esteem and we are not the pathetic and depressed losers the old NAAFA style size acceptance portrays us to be.Fat Bastard asked me to present this article and discuss my feelings regarding my experience with fat women. We both will be commenting in the comments section. For now I will let the article and study stand on its own merits.

How High Self-Esteem Keeps You Fat

A new study sheds light on why some women find it difficult to lose weight. When obese women have positive self-image, 1 in 5 will choose a silhouette of an obese woman as being at her “ideal” body weight.
This study also supports other research that has shown that fat people tend to have fat friends. Alcoholics or drug addicts who are overcoming addiction are taught to get rid of the friends that enable their dangerous behaviors.
Maybe a person on a diet needs to do the same?
In research published in the May issue of the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Temple researchers studied the body image perceptions of 81 underweight, normal weight, overweight or obese women in the North Philadelphia area and found that as their body mass index (BMI) increased, two-thirds of the women still felt they were at an ideal body size.
n research published in the May issue of the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Temple researchers studied the body image perceptions of 81 underweight, normal weight, overweight or obese women in the North Philadelphia area and found that as their body mass index (BMI) increased, two-thirds of the women still felt they were at an ideal body size.

“So the question for doctors then becomes, ‘How can we effectively treat our overweight and obese patients, when they don’t feel they’re in harm’s way?'” said study researcher Marisa Rose, M.D., assistant professor of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences in the Temple University School of Medicine. “It stresses a need for culturally sensitive education for this population.”

All participants were measured for height and weight and completed an anonymous survey to determine their self-perceived, current and ideal body sizes. Each woman was then shown an illustration of different-sized women that correlated with increasing BMIs, and were asked which size they felt they were at currently, and what their ideal would be.

While most of the participants selected illustrations of women in the normal to overweight range, about 20 percent of the obese women selected an overweight or obese silhouette as their ideal body shape. Further, 68 percent (15 out 22) of overweight participants and 84 percent (26 of 31) of obese women underestimated their current BMI. African-American and Hispanic women had significantly underestimated their current body size, while the white women overestimated.

and her fellow researchers say this is the first study to evaluate body image discrepancy specifically in the inner-city population of women seeking gynecologic care.

“For this group, gynecologists often serve as the primary care provider as well,” said Rose. “As more women become obese and overweight, it becomes critical for gynecologists to know how to talk to their patients about the adverse effects of obesity.”

The researchers say that their next course of action is to determine from a more diverse population whether the trend of women incorrectly perceiving their body size extends to most underweight, overweight and obese women or whether the trend is specific to the inner-city population.

“Informing our patients about the dangers of obesity, even when they feel they’re not at risk, can help empower them to change their lifestyles and lead healthier lives,” said Rose.
Other authors on the study were: Sushma Potti, M.D.; Marina Milli, M.D.; Stacey Jeronis, M.D.; and John P. Gaughan, Ph.D of Temple University School of medicine.


Fat Bastard asked me to make some comments on the above article. I would like to speak to the veiled criticism by the medical profession of fat people regarding their health. I would ask these doctors if they aren’t as critical of people who play dangerous sports. Let’s take one of our heroes, the Butter Bean, king of the three rounder. I bet his doctor gives him more crap about being obese than having his brain damaged and suffering a life of dementia pugilistica. Larry Holmes beat the Butter Bean senseless. Let’s take look at the other sports like soccer and football. People get permanently injured and maimed regularly in these sports. Now we have auto racing, bungee jumping, sky diving and a host of sports that appeal to the adrenaline junkie. Nobody complains about thrill seeking behaviors associated with these sports. Why should they complain about about people like Teddy and Fat Bastard and others who are fully aware of the dangers of gluttony? Actually fat people are pretty smart about mitigating the damages their lifestyle causes. Teddy knows exactly how to adjust his insulin for his power eating sessions. He knows the risks of gluttony and he mitigates them. I feed with fat because fat fattens best. It lowers the risk of diabetic coma and when I do use fats I use the mono-saturated types.


This article busts another myth perpetrated by the old and angry fat acceptance. The ideal body that women seek is not a normal weight or underweight body but rather a fat or obese body. I know that the old angry fat acceptance is going to want to take credit for this one of many examples of the normalization of obesity but fat women did not come to this realization with the help of the old tired angry man hating disingenuous fat acceptance but rather in spite of it. Gluttony is the rule today and not the exception.

Unlike the angry man haters in the old and obsolete fat acceptance movement Fat Bastard and I found some very positive things about this article. We found what we both already knew and that is fat and obese women have very high self esteem and being fat and gluttonous is a sign of high self esteem. It is getting more and more difficult for the hacks in the old fat acceptance to continue to portray fat woman as tragic victims especially in light of these scientific revelations.


>$$$ Free Money For Fatlings $$$

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$$$ FREE Money For Fatlings $$$

CHA CHING! $$$$ Compliments of Uncle Sam $$$$

One of the nicest things about porking fat women is that many of them are simply too fat to work. That means that they are home all day just waiting for a feeding and a fucking from yours truly. One secret that the old fat acceptance with their victim mentality will not tell you is that you can get free money, housing and medical benefits simply for being too fat. When I hear the vitriol from the angry hens like Kelly Bliss in the old fat acceptance movement I hasten to remind them just how fat friendly society and Uncle Sam have become. Fat Bastard is currently on SSDI and SSI due to the disabling condition of his disability but little did he know that simply being fat would qualify him for disability long before the heart disease, diabetes and bad knees kicked in. Cha Ching! This is another example of how the old fat acceptance through their intellectual dishonesty and their warped ideology have dropped the ball and further harmed fat people. At the next NAAFA convention, if there even is one this year Fat Bastard and I will be serving a HUGE plate of crow to NAAFA’s big wigs.

Bon Appetite NAAFA!

Gluttonous Fatlings are indeed becoming a protected and special class. Unlike Blacks who had to march and be killed just to receive basic human rights, all fatlings need to do is get fatter they have already become the majority. Fatlings did not even need a dynamic leader and martyr like Dr Martin Luther King. The only debt of gratitude that is owed by the fat community is big thank you to the food industry for serving our needs and never forgetting that the customer is always right, the medical community for all the advances that enable fat people to grow fatter and fatter and fatter and to Uncle Sam for accommodating the needs of all fat Americans regardless of color, creed or national origin and Bill Fabrey of Ample Stuff. USA USA USA USA! May the Belly God Bless America!

Social Security Disability and Morbid Obesity $$$

There was a time when Morbid Obesity was specifically listed in the social security impairment book, or blue book, as a disabling condition. Individuals filing for social security disability (SSD) or supplemental security income (SSI) benefits were evaluated according to a social security height/weight chart and, if their statistics met the blue book definition of obesity, they could be awarded benefits based on that condition alone.

All that changed in 1999, when Social Security no longer recognized obesity as an inherently disabling condition. The logic was that many obese individuals are able to lead productive lives and hold gainful employment. Today, you can still be awarded disability benefits for obesity, Cha Ching but only if you can demonstrate through medical records that your obesity is causing other physical symptoms severe enough to prevent you from working.

In other words, you must show, not only that you are obese, but that you are unable to work, either due to the existence of other related medical conditions such as arthritis, musculoskeletal disorders, diabetes, decreased pulmonary function (extreme difficulty breathing), etc., or due to the fact that your obesity is in itself so severe it limits you from performing work and other activities of daily living, such as driving a car, bathing, walking, etc. Cha Ching!

If your obesity is aggravating (or the cause of) medical conditions such as asthma, cardiac arrhythmia, edema, arthritis, etc., then you would file for disability based on the condition that is listed in the blue book (not obesity).

If you are morbidly obese but do not suffer from any other serious medical condition, you may still qualify for SSD/SSI benefits in the form of a medical vocational allowance, commonly referred to as a Med-Voc. A Med-Voc allowance is awarded to individuals that can show that their condition, while not listed in the blue book, is so severe that it prevents them from performing any form of gainful employment. Cha Ching! Med-Voc allowances rely heavily on a physician’s statement of your residual functional capacity (RFC), a form detailing exactly what activities you can and cannot perform in light of your medical condition.

RFC assessments are made by physicians who provide input on SSD and SSI cases for the social security administration. However, a claimant can obtain such an assessment from their own physician and submit this. Fat freindly doctor and Cha Ching! If you are planning on filing for disability based on obesity alone, you should ask your physician to fill out an RFC for you, or you may be asked to attend a consultative exam (CE) with a social security doctor, who will assess your impairment and the extent to which it limits your physical activity.


In the case of morbid obesity, an RFC will most likely be required by the disability examiner evaluating your claim, and it’s better to have the form completed by your own Fat Friendly treating physician than one that works for the social security administration (SSA).

Note: an RFC form is freely available from this site and can be downloaded at the bottom of the homepage for http://www.disabilitysecrets.com

Just take in the majesty of this man and all other gluttonous fatlings. If some fat phobic jock or some Goody Two Shoes like anorexic kill joy MeMe Roth complain that tax dollars are being spent to accommodate simply say to them, “Shut the fuck up douche bag!” I knew Kate Harding was good for something.

Fat Bastard Being Fat and Majestic!

Obligatory Sexy Porkable Poker.

Afternoon delight is about ice cream and man cream. I love it. When they don’t have to work they have plenty of time to play. There are millions of these hot sexy SSBBWs waiting at home for a fat admirer to deliver the sausage.

>Fat Women Are Sluts

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I’m not complaining. As the readers of this blog know I love porking fat women and fat women love it when I pork them. Fat women are sluts. That is why they shamelessly throw themselves at men. They like to ride the sausage and much as they like eating it. That is why I advocate to all other men to get past their fat phobia and start delivering their sausage to the BBW’s. Men who don’t pork fat women don’t know what they are missing. Fat gluttonous sluts are extremely uninhibited. They also don’t think they are “all that” like the fittness type woman who is more concerned about looking good than fucking good.


Physical appetites are an analogy of our ability to control ourselves and who want a woman who is in control of her self in the sack or at the buffett? If BBWs are unable to control their eating habits, they are also unable to control other habits such as those of the mind (lust, covetousness, passion) and unable to keep their mouths from the sausage. They let their lust appetites control them, instead of having control over their lusty appetites.


Fat women are easy. Unfat women are like prostitutes. They barter with that little piece of fur between their legs whereas fat women give it up with out a fight and they will go down like a submarine. All they want is a good feed and they want you to be skinny. They know that us skinny guys can really throw the dick. I should write a book called Tales From The Pig Pen that will memorialize the goings on at NAAFA conventions. That would be a great read!

Fat feminism does have an up side
Lot’s of hot lezzy action and bi curious BBW’s.

Think about it fat chicks love to eat. Look at Oprah. She’s fat because she and Gail Kim are always eating out.

It is no theory that fat girls are the biggest sluts. If you are not convinced, here’s the convincer. Do an unfiltered Google image search using the following terms; BBW, SSBBW, Obese, Fat, Plump, Chubby ect.. and you will get a plethora plump plumper porn. Then do a search using these search terms; Skinny Woman, Lean Woman, Anorexic, Thin, Thin woman, Waif ect.. and you will get a paltry amount of porn and it is all teen porn. Only a sicko likes teen porn. If I want to see an teenager like looking body I will look at pictures of sexy MeMe Roth or her not so sexy evil twin Ann Coulter.

There you have it folks. Fat women make the best sluts. If you want a demure little wall flower like Twiggy all I can say is there is no accounting for taste but if you want the ride of your life pork a plump porker.


>MeMe Roth: NOT a Fat Hater

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MeMe Roth anti-obesity crusader.

I have admit it. I too have been sucked into the feeding frenzy on MeMe Roth. Like the hateful people in the old fat acceptance I too was on the hate MeMe Roth band wagon. I have gotten off the bash MeMe wagon because I cannot find one example of any hateful remark she has made about fat people. For those of you who have not heard of Ms Roth; Meridith “MeMe” Roth is a health crusader and president of the much maligned NAAO National Action Against Obesity http://www.actionagainstobesity.com/NationalActionAgainstObesity/NAAO.html NAAO is pretty much what it says it is. It is an organization aimed at stopping the so called obesity epidemic. She sees the dramatic rise in obesity as a bad thing while we in the New Fat Acceptance and Bigger Fatter Blog see the increase in obesity and the greedy gluttony that causes it as a very good thing. We at Bigger Fatter Blog would like to have the opportunity to debate Ms Roth. We were so disheartened to see the series of shellackings Ms Roth gave Kelly Bliss and Joy Nash that we would like to see how she could deal with the intellectually honest position of the New Fat Acceptance. Clearly Kelly Bliss and Joy Nash were out-gunned intellectually by the svelte MeMe Roth. Fat girls cannot see past their hate for slender sexy babes like MeMe. Let’s see how Ms Roth fares in a fair fight with a man like me Fat Bastard or my blog partner and male heart throb Proud FA.

Ms Roth got one thing right when she said that fat acceptance is really obesity promotion because it is and it always has been. It is sad when it takes an adversary like MeMe Roth to point out that stark reality. The intellectual dishonesty of the old fat acceptance movement helped to make Ms Roth the clear winner in the big fat debate. If Bliss and Nash had just admitted that they and all other fat people are happy greedy gluttons and simply told Ms Roth the following, “we like food and it is better than just about anything, so buzz off you skinny skank” what could Ms Roth have have said to counter that? Answer… Not a damn thing! This debate is not nor has it ever been about being fat. It has been about being gluttonous and the gluttonous lifestyle and whether gluttony is good or bad. Only an idiot would say that fat people are healthier than skinny folks and with Bliss making that same tired and foolish argument it only served to make fat acceptance look like the pathetic farce that it has become. It was a slam dunk for Me Me Roth and a huge boost for NAAO. Sadly it was another major blow to fat acceptance. If I had debated MeMe, I would have chewed her up and spit her out… Well maybe I would not have spit her out. She looks mighty tasty but I would have pointed to the fact that gluttony is a choice and that gluttony is a good choice. Gluttony IS good!

When you lose the goofy glasses MeMe you are a HOTTIE!

This is another reason the man haters in the old fat acceptance movement hate me, Fat Bastard because I like my women skinny. Unlike the nasty witches in the old fat acceptance I am not a size bigot. That’s right, I like my women skinny and besides when you are as fat as I am it is really hard to bump pee pees with a fat chick. That is why there are so many guys like Proud FA who like porking the porkers.

Dimpled kneed Joy Nash sucking in her gut…

Kelly Bliss reliving a Proud FA moment…

There you have it Ms Roth. Your victory over Bliss was really no victory because Kelly Bliss does not speak for most fat Americans. She’s a jealous catty shrew who represents the lunatic fringe of man hating “womyn” and jealous fat girls so not only wasn’t it a fair fight Bliss doesn’t represent rank and file fatlings. We at Bigger Fatter Blog represent them so the debate was over before it even started. Wiggle over here to Bigger Fatter Blog and we will debate you. Let’s see how you will do against your intellectuals equals such as the poster boy for the New Fat Acceptance Teddy Bear, The Dean of Feederism Proud FA and me Fat Bastard. …And bring back up because you’ll need it.

Well MeMe, you dispatched Kelly Bliss and her flunky Joy Nash with ease. Big deal! How about going after some bigger game like me Fat Bastard? Do you have the belly for it? I do. (pun intended)

We at Bigger Fatter Blog don’t agree with much of what MeMe Roth has to say nor do we agree with the mission of NAAO as we are obesity promoters but we do not condemn Ms Roth nor do we condemn NAAO even though we strongly disagree with them. Health and being skinny is right for some people but most people choose to be fat and less healthy and we think obesity and gluttony trump good health and longevity and 70% of Americans would agree.

I will say it again. We at Bigger Fatter Blog don’t agree with much of what MeMe Roth has to say nor do we agree with the mission of NAAO as we are obesity promoters but as much as we disagree with Ms Roth we disagree even more with the racist and hateful rants against her. Ms Roth may be an adversary but she is not an enemy and we at Bigger Fatter Blog will not treat her as such. We have too much class for that.

The comment section is open Ms Roth. It is time for you to join a spirited and intelligent debate and show us your mettle.

>Fatspiration: A salute to Teddy Bear

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>As many of you know there is a pro anorexia movement. The unenlightened jealous man hating fat girls in the old fat acceptance movement make a big deal about it. The pretend to care about these young ladies who starve themselves and greatly exaggerate the number of deaths caused by a genetic disorder called anorexia nervousa. In reality there are between 65 and 200 deaths per year from anorexia according to the CDC’s Office of Rare Diseases. As a fat rights advocate and obesity promoter it would be hypocritical of me to insult, chastise or judge people in the pro ana movement. Just as Proud FA like to in his word “pork” fat women, I, Fat Bastard like em skinny. As a greedy fat gluttonous bastard I like skinny chick because they have low self esteem unlike fat women who have very high self esteem. Being that skinny chicks have low self esteem I can get them to have sex with me and sometimes I don’t even have to pay them.

Teddy Bear is perhaps the greatest voice in the new fat acceptance movement. While Teddy’s expertise is in gaining, fat anatomy, soma types and obesity health and nutrition he too is a strong advocate for fat rights and obesity for all America. It is people like Teddy Bear who have helped create this nation of obese and greedy gluttons. This year 400,000 of us will eat ourselves to death and that number is growing in leaps and pounds thanks to people like Kelly Bliss, NAAFA founder Bill Fabrey, Conrad Blickenstorfer feederism’s philosopher king, our own ProudFA aka the Dean of Feederism, the lovely Joy Nash, Big Fat Dynamo, and the list goes on. All these people have recieved accolades but now it is time to salute the NEXT BIG THING in fat acceptance let’s have a big cyber round of applause for Biggest Fattest Blog owner and inspiration to all of use in the NEW fat accpetance movement soon to be the fattest man on earth TEDDY BEAR!! For those of you who don’t know it Teddy Bear is going to be the fattest man on earth. What greater representative for the NEW fat acceptance than having a man that will make Michael Habrenko or the late Hambone look like a stuck boy.

Teddy in honor of you Bigger Fatter Blog presents this pictorial essay;

A mere stick boy compared to what Teddy Bear WILL become!
HA HA HA show off, even now Teddy makes you look like the runt of the litter.

OK Twiggy enough with the horizontal stripes. You are not fooling anyone!

Finally a worthy challenger. Mexicans really are hard workers and this guy is proof!

Michael Hebranko Brookhaven sellout. WHAT A WIMP!

Teddy, I hope you enjoy these images and please know that we at Bigger Fatter Blog have confidence that you will beat these bean poles. Eat EAT EAT EAT EAT EAT EAT EAT EAT!!



LADIES AND GENTLEMAN and FELLOW FATLINGS; LET ME PRESENT: Obesity Pioneer, Visionary, Obesity Nutritionist, Fat Assed Sissy boy, Blogging Genius, Artist, Author, Gaining and Gluttony Guru, Fat Rights Activist, Obesity Promoter and soon the next holder of the Guiness Book of World Records world fattest human, your friend and ours the immortal, from the great state of Texas, Texas Jew boy… TEDDY BEAR!!

From Teddy’s Biggest Fattest Blog:


What I Hope To Achieve

Right now I weigh about 400 pounds. The cartoon drawings of myself depicts the level of super super obesity that I most sincerely hope to achieve someday, to set a new worlds record!

>Happy Holidays



There are those who celebrate the religious significance of Christmas. They will tell you that Jesus is the reason for the season but in reality the Yuletide season is a celebration of food and abundance. Food is the reason for the season. Very little of the Christmas season has anything to do with the birth of Jesus. What we commonly refer to and Christmas is in fact a time to pay homage to our Belly God. In Norway for example people from work gather in early December to feast and drink booze. Traditionally, the mother of the house bakes seven types of cookies, julekaker. In the tradition called Julebukk or Nyttårsbukk, children dress up in costumes, visit neighbors, singing Christmas carols and receiving candy, nuts and other gastronomic goodies. “We all want some figgy pudding and a cup of good cheer”

In Denmark, Jul is celebrated on December 24th, which is called Juleaftensdag (Juleaften for Christmas Eve specifically). An elaborate dinner is eaten with the family, consisting of roast pork, roast duck or roast goose with potatoes, red cabbage and gravy. For dessert is rice pudding with a cherry sauce, traditionally with an almond hidden inside. The lucky finder of this almond is entitled to a small gift. After the meal is complete, the family gather around the Juletræ to sing carols and dance hand in hand around the tree. Then the children often hand out the presents which are opened immediately. This is followed by candy, chips, various nuts, clementines, and sometimes a mulled and spiced wine with almonds and raisins called Gløgg is served hot in small cups.

The enitire holiday season starting with Halloween is a feast and celebration of the blessing of the Belly God. Every European country and culture celebrate the holiday season with food and excess. America being the greatest nation on earth has turned Christmas in to the most delightful and vulgar Pagan display on earth. That is why the Belly God has smiled upon us.




Yummy BBW enjoying a yummy yummy yum yum for the FAs.


Tasty thinling elf for all the fat guys who don’t get laid.

Happy Holidays to all and a special X-Mas wish to Teddy Bear of http://the-biggest-fattest-blog.blogspot.com/ https://i0.wp.com/www.karterasykremas.com/Pictures/XmasPictures/XmasSaleBIG/TeddyBearWreath85070.JPG https://i0.wp.com/gregandlisamarie.com/sitebuilder/images/minora-138x111.jpg

>Bigger Fatter Blog Endorses Feederism


NAAFA’s two faced view on the subject if just one more example of how wrong they are. Go to Dimensions forum and you will find many refugees from NAAFA’s now defunct online forum. NAAFA took criticism from inside the FA movement and from the FA movement’s critics. NAAFA in it usual dishonesty and constant infighting has remained two faced on the issue to this day. Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive applies especially to NAAFA. NAAFA’s many spokesdroids with their fat by nature mantra put the entire movement on a very slippery slope. Fat by nature is bullshit and NAAFA’s big chiefs know it. The reality is fat by choice proud by nature. We gluttons are a prideful bunch and it is the mission of BFB to increase our size and the size of our fat pride. We don’t have to explain our obesity to anyone but if we do we should not take the NAAFA or Kate Harding approach by doing it with lies.

I am not a full fledged feeder but my blog partner Proud FA is. I consider him Feederism’s philosopher king.His many feedees consider him their savior. I know for a fact that his feed sessions have rescued many BBW’s from the abyss of deep dark depression and brought them forth into the sacred light of gluttony. His legendary feed sessions at the NAAFA conventions would make a Roman orgy look like a hunger strike. His piggies don’t puke. Proud FA first plies them with booze and or weed and lot’s of it. BBW’s can hold their liquor unlike the fat feminists who hold the licker by the ears. After they let down their inhibitions the fun would begin. I would sit by while these once shrinking violets would cover Proud FA’s skinny body in marshmallow, caramel syrup, M&Ms, fudge syrup and sprinkles and devour him like hogs at trough. I would post some stills form these sessions but it gets pretty graphic and Proud FA and I still need to remain anonymous as we are both still active NAAFA members and moles. We do not want to blow our covers at this time. We are working behind the scenes to reform NAAFA from within and restore it to what its founder Bill Fabrey had intended. I digress.

One feed session can be a life altering event for the feedee. In one fell swoop it often eliminates the guilt some people have about enjoying food. When feedees realize that gluttony is normal behavior it becomes a life changing experience for them. For many such as myself it is a religious experience. Food is our God. PRAISE GLORIOUS FOOD! Acceptance is a life changing experience. Accepting a fat body is easy. Fat bodied women women love to flaunt it. If you don’t believe me look around you or GOOGLE a BBW or SSBBW image search. BOING! The tough part in fat acceptance is accepting and feeling good about the gluttony. Two thirds of Americans has all accepted their fat bodies. The next step is to make them super duper fat and eat like there is no tomorrow. Life is short EAT EAT EAT EAT EAT EAT EAT EAT EAT sleep and EAT some more.


Open your mouth sweet fat girl

Can you imagine a more tender moment than this?

You gotta Love this Belly

You gotta Love this Belly
One of Proud FA’s hotel hotties

Clearly feederism is a vital pillar in the FA movement.

A final thought and warning. Feeding has its risks. The greatest risk is diabetic coma. Most gainers are diabetics. Please check the comment section because Proud FA AKA the Feeder King will explain the finer points of feeding. For now let is suffice to say. FEED WITH FATS AND OILS. SWEETS CAN BE DEADLY IN LARGE QUANTITIES!

Don’t try this at home. Inexperienced gainer dead from diabetic coma.

Proud FA recommends that all new gainers work with an experienced feeder. It is the hope of BFB that sometime in the future feeders will have to be certified by a government agency to avoid these needless deaths. We are hoping that foods that are not Feedee safe contain warning labels.

Proud FA’s Feeding 101

Before starting any serious feed session think safety first. Tube feeding is a no no. Only the most advanced feeders and feedees should attempt tube feeding. While tube may be a great way to pump in the calories into a gainer, the artful feeder uses great tasting food, praise and guile to get the gainer to eat to her full capacity.

Feed with fat! Butter, cooking oil, bacon, peanut butter, lard, cracklins, heavy cream and soft cheeses are by far the best choices. Think of it as an extreme version the induction phase of the Atkins diet. Periodically introduce some carbs to stop ketosis. Peanut butter is wonder gainer food. Peanut butter and bacon sandwiches washed down with heavy cream is a great way to feed.

Use a bib if your feedee is clothed. Ample Stuff makes a wonder prduct they call Big Bib. Feeding can get messy.




Rub and pat her belly and tell her how hot she looks. Praise her eating.

>Fat Acceptance’s Unsung Hero


>Back in the days when NAAFA meant National Association Aiding Fat Americans its founder and the father of fat acceptance Bill Fabrey never lost sight of that vision. Today Bill Fabrey is aiding fat bodied folks by providing them with ingenious products designed especially for the special needs of fat bodied folks. Bill is the proprietor of the wildly successful company Ample Stuff. Bill is not afraid to tackle the problems fat bodied folks face that the hens currently running fat acceptance don’t want to talk about. I am speaking of the hygiene and toileting challenges fat bodied folks face. I will admit, as a feeder I can tell you with great authority that sometimes BBW’s and SSBBW’s can have a rank odor especially in places they are unable to reach. Many fat bodied folks are not aware that Ample Stuff exists to fill their special needs.


These thirsty butt wands sop it up where you need it most!

Ample sponges are a godsend for fat bodied folks that have a problem reaching “back there”. I can only imagine the back sprains the fat bodied folks get from twisting and contorting to reach “back there”. These Ample sponges are also great for cleansing in between the fat folds as well as wiping those hard to reach super sized butts. Ample sponges are just one example of the wonderful products Ample Stuff offers. They also sell portable bidets, scales that go up to a whopping 1000 pounds, seatbelt extenders, a 96″ measuring tape, (a must for every feeder and gainer) and a plethora of other thoughtful offerings for the super fat bodied folks.

1000-Lb Wide-Platform Digital Scale

1000-Lb Wide-Platform Digital Scale

Bill’s Ample Stuff has been serving the needs of the super fat bodied for over two decades. Bill is truly one of FA’s unsung heroes. Bill Fabrey is to fat acceptance what Thomas Jefferson was to democracy. If it were not for Ample Stuff the lives of fat bodied folks would be unpleasant at times. If it were not for Bill Fabrey there would most likely be no fat acceptance movement.

There are many other heroes but the greatest and the most neglected is Bill Fabrey. I will be writing more about him and as I explain why he started NAAFA but let it suffice to say that Bill’s motivation for starting NAAFA is the greatest love story of all time. Bill Fabrey, we at Bigger Fatter Blog we salute you.

Great John’s Johns Bring Worry Free Pooping To All Fatlings
No more toileting trouble. It would take a herd of elephants to clog up this bad boy!https://i0.wp.com/web.knoxnews.com/silence/archives/elephant.jpg

Being a serious feeder I have worked part time in a restaurant as a manager. If you are a feeder and you want to meet gainers restaurants are a best bet. It where to food is! Sometimes as a manager you are forced to take care of unpleasant problems. One of those problems is stopped up toilets. Fat folks, God bless em tend to break and plug toilets. It’s only natural. They are heavier and they produce more poop cause they eat more food. They require more toilet tissue and as a result they damage and clog standard undersized toilets.

How many times has this happened to you? Plunger it you skinny skank!

The size of the average person’s butt has increased dramatically over the last 30 years.
https://i0.wp.com/galleywinter.com/main/modules/coppermine/albums/userpics/11119/big%20butt.jpg https://i0.wp.com/www.dyingtobeanathin.com/fatties2.jpg
These amply asssed SSBBW’s are living proof the Atkins diet really works.

Most toilets made today are manufactured from designs dating back to the early 1960´s. In the past, the pleadings of big and tall people went unanswered. For this reason fat friendly GJTC engineers, medical doctors and artists took to the task of creating a NEW GENERATION of products satisfying the needs of today’s customers. Our goal was to create the most comfortable and safe toilet for Large-Size people in the market. The other challenge was to make a toilet that
could also be used by any size person. The final result was the creation of a “SIZE FRIENDLY TOILET” .

Vitreous china

� Low water Consumption (1.6 gpf / 6Lpf )

Extra-Elongated rim bowl for additional space in the front (6in. more
than a standard elongated bowl) Now fat folks can wipe while seated.

� Extra-Wide ergonomic seat included. Large seat area for comfort

� 150 % more sitting area than a standard elongated seat

� Seat provides �Anti-slide movement fins� for safety

� 12in. rough-in (Simple installation)

� Secure 4 anchorage points

� Extra-Wide base with reinforced structure for added safety

� 17-1/2(44.4 cm) bowl height including seat, ADA compliant

� 100% factory flush tested

� Ceramic tested to 2000 pound loads

>Fat Liberation Loses Another Strong Voice


Fat liberation blogger Big Fat Dynamo (I l0ve that name) throws in the towel. Discouraged by the dishonesty and absurdity of current fat acceptance movement Big Fat Dynamo can no longer in good conscience continue the charade. Sadly, Big Fat Dynamo has closed her blog. Her final blog entry shows how the chicanery and misrepresentations by groups like NAAFA, Dimensions, Big Fat Blog and charlatans like lawyer Paul Campos, Marylin Wann, Kelly Bliss, and that mouthy Joy Nash have once again sullied the cause of fat people. Their sophistries are laughable and embarrassing to most fat people. We know we are gluttons. We don’t need the jokers in the fat acceptance movement lying on our behalf.

The goal of this blog is much more than to get fat people feeling good about their bodies. Current fat acceptance is the problem not the solution. We don’t need ass clowns and reality deniers like lawyer scumbag Paul Campos, Jennifer Portnick, Kelly Bliss and that loud mouth Joy Nash stating the case for the two thirds of Americans who are fat. We can speak for ourselves thank you very much! Gluttony is good and NAAFA knows this but in their gross hypocrisy they speak out against Feederism inspite of their cozy relationship with Dimensions Magazine and Conrad Blickenstorfer, the czar of feederism and dean of the feeding arts. This is why 99.99999% of fat people are not part of the fat liberation movement. They know bullshit when they hear it.

Big Fat Dynamo sums it up in her final farewell to today’s ugly, ignominious, and farcical fat acceptance movement. Here is her sad and sober goodbye.

Big Fat Dynamo


Monday, September 15, 2008

Why I Quit Blogging – A Farewell Letter

My blog was a lie. A lie to those who read it and myself.

I am not a fat acceptance advocate. Why? Because I can’t accept myself at 300+ pounds anymore.

You see the title of the blog, Big Fat Dynamo. It’s a line from an episode of The Simpsons. The plot requires Homer Simpson to weigh 300 pounds so he can work from home on disability. He ends up gaining 315.

When I first saw the episode, I told myself I would never let myself get up to 300 pounds. It was one of my greatest fears – I was an “acceptable” fat person at the time. I am now over 300 pounds, and I absolutely hate myself.

At least I know why I’m 300+ pounds – I eat too much. And I don’t exercise. For years, I told people I was making a conscious effort to eat better and get in shape so they would accept me. At least I was trying to do something about my fat.

I have an addiction to fast food, especially McDonald’s. It’s not uncommon for me to eat it the majority of the week. Nor is it uncommon for me to eat it twice a day. It’s extremely sad and embarrassing.

Exercise? Forget it. I don’t exercise. Walking up and down the stairs is the only exercise I get. And I only do it so people won’t think I’m that fat girl who’s so lazy, she has to take the elevator.

OK, so I don’t have any health problems. And it’s pretty amazing that I don’t, seeing that I’ve been eating a steady stream of crap for years. According to the BMI, I should be dead. I’m not even “morbidly” obese anymore – I’m “super” obese.

Nobody should be “super” obese. There is no freaking way a woman that stands at 5’4″ is genetically programmed to be over 300 pounds. I brought this upon myself, because I am lazy and comfortable with my sedentary lifestyle.

Want to know about my body? It’s disgusting. My ass is a lump that sticks out about five miles and frequently knocks things over. My lower belly is a giant glob of fat. I have deep purple stretch marks on both sides. My breasts hang down and have lost any “perkiness” they once had. I have two lumps of fat on my back that show through anything I wear. My thighs are two giant hams that are lumpy. My upper arms have flab too – and stretch marks. I have a double chin I can’t hide anymore. I’ve never seen my clavicle. The only “thin” parts of my body are the shoulders and elbows. Somehow, both of these areas have stayed bony. My arms aren’t to that point where the fat hangs over the elbow, but I’m sure it will get to that if I don’t do something about it.

I sound really attractive, don’t I? I really cannot blame people for hating me based on physical looks, because it’s obvious that I have no respect for my body. Sure, you can’t really see all this through what I wear on a daily basis. But you can’t exactly hide excess weight. I don’t even shop for clothing anymore, because it’s near impossible to find something that will fit me. And as an individual who enjoys fashion, it absolutely kills me to go out in public looking like a slob. I can’t wear a nice dress, because the shape of my body won’t allow it. I have to find shirts that will “cut” off in the middle of my butt, in order to make it look more presentable in public. I’ve given up on jeans, and I can’t bring myself to wear stretch pants.

The fat acceptance movement – when I found it over a year ago – bumped up my confidence to a place I never thought it could go. However, it also depressed me. I started reading all the familiar stories of how fat people get treated in public and by health professionals. It really got to me, because I could relate.

A few months ago, I was getting into a “zone” of sorts. I was practicing Health at Every Size, telling myself that health should come before weight. I actually dropped 10 pounds through the process, which was a bit of a wake-up call for me. My body was trying me that a healthy lifestyle should come before dieting. I was really happy, truly happy, for the first time in my life. I actually looked in the mirror naked, and was pleased with what I saw.

I don’t know what happened. A life of fast food and laziness beckoned. I don’t know if that has to do with my busy work/school schedule or what, but I totally fell off my happiness wagon into the pit of despair I live in now. Not ONE day goes by where I think about how fat I am and the weight I have to lose. Beating myself up is part of my daily schedule, I’m quite sure.

Where do I go from here? I honestly don’t know. I plan on quitting my fast food habit immediately. I just won’t go anymore. I don’t need it, and I won’t get sick or die from the withdrawal of it.

Diet? That hasn’t worked in the past, but I WANT to lose weight now. That is why I can’t be a fat acceptance advocate from now on. I want a normal weight and a normal BMI. With the growing animosity toward fat people in society, I fear for my future. I have to do something now, before somebody else decides to.

I’ve studied all the science behind fat and such, but I’m not really convinced anymore. It can’t be denied that there are more obese children and adults in society today. It can’t be denied that rising health costs are due to excess weight, sedentary habits, and unhealthy foods.

And the fat acceptance movement? It’s mostly made up of people who are “acceptable” to society – like a size 14. These people eat normal and get activity in. It’s much easier for society to accept these people, because they are not part of that group of “abnormal” fat people like me who admit to eating junk and not exercising.

I’m an embarrassment to the movement, the world, and myself. It hurts to see others laughing at me on a daily basis, but I guess I deserve it. I really brought it all upon myself. I am a walking joke.

I’m sorry, FA advocates. I don’t have your bravery anymore.
posted by Big Fat Dynamo http://bigfatdynamo.blogspot.com/

Big Fat Dynamo, you did not let the fat acceptance movement down. They let you down. Like all fat people you are a glutton but unfortunately today’s bullshit fat accpetance movement likes to deny that. There is nothing wrong with you eating what ever the fuck you want to eat and conversely there is nothing wrong you wanting to be smaller and going on a diet. If gluttony is not your thing Bigger Fatter Blog is cool with that. We are not anti-diet. Whether you are fat thin or in between you are not a failure. Whether you eat like a pig or a bird, you are not a failure or a bad person. If you are unhappy with your body and lifestyle change it but make sure it is your body that you are unhappy with. For most fat people the pleasures of food and sloth outweight the consequences of gluttony. You may need to come to terms with that. You have 2 options. You can lose the weight but because you are a glutton that probably will not happen. We gluttons rarely comply with any sort of weight loss plan. If you are willing to do that more power to you and Bigger Fatter Blog would support you in that choice. If you decide to continue your gluttonous ways you also have our support and encouragement. Unlike the snakes in today’s fat acceptance serving their kool aid we do not judge or psychologically abuse anyone for any reason.

We do not judge. We would hope that your fat body is something that you think is hot. Many men are really turned on by super fat women. If you don’t believe that simply do a google image search using search terms like BBW, Obese, Plumper, SSBBW ect.. with the safe mode off and you will see a bevy of buxom beauties flaunting their fabulous flab. Do the same for skinny women and you will find mostly up tight fully clothed women.

If you read this Big Fat Dynamo please know that you have a soft place to fall here at Bigger Fatter Blog as does everyone who has been disenfranchised by the schizophrenic cluster fuck that is today’s fat acceptance.

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